A Bit of Fun
In my spare time I am a frustrated musician and I have combined my musical skills with those of a Financial Coach. All the songs on this page were performed and recorded by me and I have written all the lyrics to the parodies. My humblest apologies to the original artists and please it is all to be taken as a bit of fun and not to be construed as personal advice
Woman, you'll have less than a man https://youtu.be/vvk51bkwS2Y
This new home https://youtu.be/olA_llXDt20
Pre-tax can be good https://youtu.be/eVoFhdQn6j8
You get it https://youtu.be/yDktu-HeBzc
What you can afford to lose https://youtu.be/20obgXCsHnM
Only a fool would say that https://youtu.be/FEzado1-anU
Everything I own https://youtu.be/WZx-8xNePZg
When shares go down https://youtu.be/QHxPO9_TPAU
Hard on the saver https://youtu.be/qWx7Senr-48
Have you rolled your super lately https://youtu.be/ZyMrI3xL-Lw
I Started to Save https://youtu.be/DBrvghuRVy8
She made a profit but lied https://youtu.be/N-pwJZFaps0
A loan again naturally https://youtu.be/_stTLpjSawk
Father and loans https://youtu.be/3paXwZuFVkA
Financial Planner https://youtu.be/NXTNDd5GgYs
Even when I'm sleeping https://youtu.be/r86lExzjvag
Don't let your tax bill start you crying https://youtu.be/q2DAv4LpfxQ
Blow the debt away https://youtu.be/9tw-2MBF52c
Better returns soon https://youtu.be/lJVS2LSDy9c
All out of funds https://youtu.be/1ASaxSLM6vY
Cash can be King https://youtu.be/-11vPP2orXw
Knowing What To Do https://youtu.be/AlTa-Ih7qXY
Come on and Buy https://youtu.be/kxI5CU6_bSk
The PSS Song https://youtu.be/AB7cR30EPuY
Make it easy (don't be greedy) https://youtu.be/3TCJcmYUOR4
Retirement is near https://youtu.be/S-PNzdAXHt4
Keep up your part https://youtu.be/OhJqvZlbuas
Consider it with care https://youtu.be/1fjMK5PnO-0